Вообще уже не понимаю, что нужно делать. Написал какую-то чушь. Ничего не работает. В текстовый файл пишет неправильно, с бинарным вообще непонятно. Если вам не сложно, посмотрите пожалуйста и скажите, что нужно сделать, чтобы оно читалось и записывалось нормально. У меня ступор с этим заданием какой-то.
using namespace std;
class Phone_book
static int s_id;
string id;
string name;
string surname;
string adds;
string number;
static void save(const string& str, fstream& fs)
size_t len = str.size();
fs.write((const char*)&len, sizeof(size_t));
fs.write(str.data(), len);
static void load(string& str, fstream& fs)
size_t len;
fs.read((char*)&len, sizeof(size_t));
char* string = new char[len + 1];
fs.read(string, len);
str[len] = 0;
str = string;
delete[] string;
Phone_book(const char* id = "", const char* name = "", const char* surname = "", const char* adds = "", const char* number = "")
this->id = id;
this->name = name;
this->surname = surname;
this->adds = adds;
this->number = number;
const string& getID()const
return id;
const string& getName()const
return name;
const string& getSurname()const
return surname;
const string& getAddress()const
return adds;
const string& getNumber()const
return number;
void setID(const string& id)
this->id = id;
void setName(const string& name)
this->name = name;
void setSurname(const string& surname)
this->surname = surname;
void setAddress(const string& adds)
this->adds = adds;
void setNumber(const string& number)
this->number = number;
void setContact()
cout << "Enter contact details: " << endl;
cout << "Name: " << endl; getline(cin, name);
cout << "Surname: " << endl; getline(cin, surname);
cout << "Address: " << endl; getline(cin, adds);
cout << "Phone Number: " << endl; getline(cin, number);
void write(fstream& fs) const
save(id, fs);
save(name, fs);
save(surname, fs);
save(adds, fs);
save(number, fs);
void read(fstream& fs)
load(id, fs);
load(name, fs);
load(surname, fs);
load(adds, fs);
load(number, fs);
void show()
cout << id << " " << name << " " << surname << " " << adds << " " << number << endl;
friend ostream& operator << (fstream& fs, const Phone_book& ph)
return fs << ph.id << " " << ph.name << " " << ph.surname << " " << ph.adds << " " << ph.number;
int main()
static int s_id = 1;
Phone_book obj;
string res;
fstream fs;
bool exit = true;
int action = 0;
cout << "Enter new data(1 - Yes, 0 - No)\n";
cin >> exit;
} while (exit);
if (exit == false)
cout << "Select action: " << endl;
cout << "1. Delete contact;" << endl;
cout << "2. Save information about phone contacts to text file" << endl;
cout << "3. Save information about phone contacts to binary file" << endl;
cout << "4. Load information about phone contacts from text file;" << endl;
cout << "5. Load information about phone contacts from binary file;" << endl;
cout << "6. Exit the program." << endl;
cin >> action;
if (action == 1)
int pos;
for (int i = 0; i < contacts.size(); i++)
cout << "Position " << i << ": ";
cout << "Enter the position of the contact you want delete:" << endl;
cin >> pos;
if (pos > contacts.size() - 1 || pos < 0)
cout << "Wrong position" << endl;
contacts.erase(contacts.begin() + pos);
for (int i = 0; i < contacts.size(); i++)
else if (action == 2)
res = obj.getID() + " " + obj.getName() + " " + obj.getSurname() + " " + obj.getAddress() + " " + obj.getNumber();
fs.open("Phone_book.txt", ios::ate|ios::out);
if (!fs.is_open())
throw logic_error("Phone_book.txt can not be opened");
fs << res << endl;
catch (logic_error & ex)
cerr << "Error: " << ex.what() << endl;
else if (action == 3)
fstream fs("Phone_book.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
for (int i = 0; i < contacts.size(); i++)
else if (action == 4)
fstream fs("Phone_book.txt", ios::in);
string s;
while (getline(fs, s))
cout << s << endl;
else if (action == 5)
Phone_book obj2;
fstream fs("Phone_book.bin", ios::in | ios::binary);
if (fs.is_open())
while (!fs.eof())
for (int i = 0; i < cont.size(); ++i)
else if (action<1||action>6)
cout << "Wrong choice!" << endl;
} while (action != 6);
return 0;