Вот сам код
using System;
using Android.App;
using Android.OS;
using System.Data;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Support.Design.Widget;
using Android.Support.V7.App;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.Content;
namespace App3
[Activity(Label = "App3", Theme = "@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar", MainLauncher = true)]
public class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
//Buttons to receive user input
Button num1 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn1);
Button num2 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn2);
Button num3 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn3);
Button num4 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn4);
Button num5 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn5);
Button num6 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn6);
Button num7 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn7);
Button num8 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn8);
Button num9 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn9);
Button num0 = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btn0);
//Buttons that receive user mathematical operators
Button equ = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnEql);
Button clr = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnDel);
Button dot = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnDot);
Button div = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnDiv);
Button mul = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnMul);
Button add = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnAdd);
Button sub = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnSub);
//text area to receive and display the user input
EditText resu = (EditText)FindViewById(Resource.Id.resultText);
//Text area to display the result generated after calculations
EditText resu2 = (EditText)FindViewById(Resource.Id.resultText2);
//Whenever the text in the EditText Changes the expression in the EditText is being computed.
resu.TextChanged += delegate
if (resu.Text == "")
resu2.Text = "";
string x = resu.Text;
//Computation of the expression
double result = Convert.ToDouble(new DataTable().Compute(x, null));
resu2.Text = result.ToString();
catch (Exception exc)
//No action to be performed
num1.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num1.Text.ToString(); };
num2.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num2.Text.ToString(); };
num3.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num3.Text.ToString(); };
num4.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num4.Text.ToString(); };
num5.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num5.Text.ToString(); };
num6.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num6.Text.ToString(); };
num7.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num7.Text.ToString(); };
num8.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num8.Text.ToString(); };
num9.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num9.Text.ToString(); };
num0.Click += delegate { resu.Text = resu.Text + num0.Text.ToString(); };
dot.Click += delegate
string x = resu.Text;
int l = x.Length;
if (l != 0)
string x2 = x.Substring(l - 1, 1);
if (x2 != ".")
if (x2 == "-" || x2 == "*" || x2 == "/" || x2 == "+")
string s1 = x.Substring(0, l - 1);
resu.Text = s1;
resu.Text = resu.Text + dot.Text.ToString();
add.Click += delegate
string x = resu.Text;
int l = x.Length;
if (l != 0)
string x2 = x.Substring(l - 1, 1);
if (x2 != "+")
if (x2 == "-" || x2 == "*" || x2 == "/" || x2 == ".")
string s1 = x.Substring(0, l - 1);
resu.Text = s1;
resu.Text = resu.Text + add.Text.ToString();
sub.Click += delegate
string x = resu.Text;
int l = x.Length;
if (l != 0)
string x2 = x.Substring(l - 1, 1);
if (x2 != "-")
if (x2 == "+" || x2 == "*" || x2 == "/" || x2 == ".")
string s1 = x.Substring(0, l - 1);
resu.Text = s1;
resu.Text = resu.Text + sub.Text.ToString();
mul.Click += delegate
string x = resu.Text;
int l = x.Length;
if (l != 0)
string x2 = x.Substring(l - 1, 1);
if (x2 != "*")
if (x2 == "-" || x2 == "+" || x2 == "/" || x2 == ".")
string s1 = x.Substring(0, l - 1);
resu.Text = s1;
resu.Text = resu.Text + "*";
div.Click += delegate
string x = resu.Text;
int l = x.Length;
if (l != 0)
string x2 = x.Substring(l - 1, 1);
if (x2 != "/")
if (x2 == "-" || x2 == "*" || x2 == "+" || x2 == ".")
string s1 = x.Substring(0, l - 1);
resu.Text = s1;
resu.Text = resu.Text + div.Text.ToString();
clr.Click += delegate
string x = resu.Text;
int l = x.Length;
if (l != 0)
string x2 = x.Substring(0, l - 1);
resu.Text = x2;
if (x2.Length != 0)
string x3 = x2.Substring(l - 2, 1);
if (x3 == "+" || x3 == "-" || x3 == "*" || x3 == "/" || x3 == ".")
double result = Convert.ToDouble(new DataTable().Compute(x.Substring(0, l - 2), null));
resu2.Text = result.ToString();
catch (Exception exc)
equ.Click += delegate
if (resu2.Text != "")
resu.Text = resu2.Text;
resu2.Text = "";
private void Resu_TextChanged(object sender, Android.Text.TextChangedEventArgs e)
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Ошибка в этих строках. Текст ошибки не удалось найти тип или имя пространства имен DataTable
double result = Convert.ToDouble(new DataTable().Compute(x, null));
double result = Convert.ToDouble(new DataTable().Compute(x.Substring(0, l - 2), null));